Sunday, October 29, 2006


The prospect of winter is far less daunting now that we have Rowan.

We are going to try our hand at a winter dog sport this season. Skijoring.


Monday, October 16, 2006

It's snowing here

It's been a lovely fall. But it's been.

The last two mornings I've woken up to below zero temperatures, clutching onto the remaining piles from the latest snow fall.

I saw what had to have been the last 26 swans fly south overhead this morning.

It's crisp and the wood's been splitting like a dream.

What better time to revisit some summer memories...

After Cape Breton we spent time taking in the best of Vancouver Island. Gulf Islands, Cape Scott and then we hopped on the ferry back up to the Yukon. It was hot, sunny, buggless and seems like so long ago...

rowing around the gulf islands

sailing around the gulf islands

the trail to the cape

boots off

lucky sunny days

long beaches to hike

long days of hiking

fog that burned away each day

sandy camp

massive cedars

big ocean skies

an engagement is announced

a rainbow at the Yukon border to welcome us home